Friday, December 6, 2013

How to make banner using Adobe Photoshop

 1) First, go to “File” and click “New” then scroll down the “Preset” and pick custom. Make sure that, the width is 800, the height is 250 and the resolution is 300.

 2) Then you can click on the “File” and “Open” to insert pictures.

3) If you want to crop the picture select the Crop symbol on your left. Press enter to crop the picture. Then used the arrow symbol to drag the picture into the previous blank canvas

4)To make the background of a picture transparent. First make a duplicate layer of the picture. Then used the wand on the area that you want to get rid off and click “enter”.

 5) If you want to rotate the picture. Click “ctrl” and “t”. This is also known as transform. Click “enter” after you finish rotating and arranging the picture.

6)If you want to change the colour of any layer click on the “f” button below from your right.

7)If you want to change the background. Select the background layer and click here. The panel is on your left. Pick the colour and then drag it across the background.

 8) After you finished, to save your work, you can  go to "File," again and then choose "Save for Web and Devices" to export my banner as in PSD (for editing), or you can choose any other format such as JPEG, PNG or GIF

9)You can check out my banner in